Labrador Tea

Labrador Tea - marsh rosemary or Muskeg Tea - is a lovely Northern evergreen shrub/herb that has a unique savoury flavour that is often used with meats or as a tea. Labrador tea has mild narcotic properties that have lead it to be used for relaxation and as a medicine. Used to flavour anything from stews, and meats to gin or even add it in hot drinks.

Ingredients: Labrador Tea (Rhododendron tomentosum)

Directions: Add about 2-4 Labrador tea leaves (1 teaspoon) per teacup or mug.

Boil water. Remove water from heat and let sit 1 minute. Pour water over tea leaves and let steep 5-10 minutes according to your preference for tea strength. Remove leaves from tea. Flavour with honey or lemon as desired.

Only a few leaves (4-6) should be consumed at any one time.  Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid consumption of Labrador tea.


This product is a GEOFOOD foraged in the Discovery UNESCO Global Geopark.